Are You Ready to Finally Find Answers to Your Brain fog, Anxiety, Bloating, Constipation, Joint Pain, Fatigue, and Skin Issues?   

Work one-on-one with Brandy and her team

Just because you've been told your labs are "normal" and haven't been able to get any answers doesn't mean that there aren't answers. 
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Does this sound like you?

  • Being told your labs look "normal" even though you know something is off
  • You feel like you don't have a practitioner on your team that actually listens and not knowing where to go from here
  • When 2pm comes around you feel like you "hit a wall" and need a nap
  • It's difficult to get up and get going in the morning
  • You have chronic inflammation or pain that interferes with your daily life
  • You are overwhelmed, easily overstimulated, and everything just feels like too much
  • Remembering tasks and names is becoming more difficult
  • You are confused by all the conflicting information online and don't have a clear action plan on where to begin

If you relate to any of these, this is the program you've been waiting for!

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This is the program you've been looking for 

My philosophy might be different from other clinicians you've seen.
When we work together, we work TOGETHER


This is more than a phrase on my website or something I like to say to sound holistic: It’s an accurate expression of the respect I have for you, your experience, and the likelihood of medical gaslighting that you’ve dealt with in the past. 


Your experience—your symptoms, your intuitions, all of it—matters.  

Hi, I’m Brandy.

I’m a mom, wife, and functional medicine practitioner who specializes in helping moms overcome anxiety, skin issues, digestive distress, brain fog, and other symptoms that showed up after giving birth.


As a doctor of clinical nutrition, I have seen countless mothers have their symptoms dismissed, been told everything is fine, and struggling to show up as the mom they envisioned when deep down they no something is not right. 


Our kids are only kids once, and I am here to help guide you step-by-step to uncover the root causes behind your symptoms so you don't have to plan your days around how you're feeling.

My Approach

Detect Nuance

The body is not parts that operate in isolation or even the sum of its parts. It's an interconnected nuanced web. 

We Hear You

No gas-lighting here. I want to hear about your stories, experiences, and symptoms. I believe you know your body better than anyone. 


This is your body and your health and your life. We work together to find solutions that work and I want you to be a key part of the process

Unlimited Chat Support

Our 1:1 clients have unlimited chat access to ask questions in between sessions. 

What Happy Clients Have to Say


Thank you SO much for all of your guidance this past year. You have changed my life- really you have.


Brandy is a wealth of knowledge, and I learned so much from you. I learned a lot about the nutritional requirements of my body and what's necessary for my thyroid to function correctly.


When I was feeling the absolute worst, you jump into action to help me with your extensive knowledge and provided nutritional advice and supplementation suggestions to help my healing. At each interaction, I felt supported by a caring health professional who was interested in my wellbeing, which is something lacking with my HMO.

What you can Experience After Working 1:1 Together

  • Waking up feeling rested
  • Ability to get through your day without needing a nap
  • Feeling stable and safe in your body
  • Regaining a sense of hope and joy in life
  • Knowing how to eat in a way that fuels your specific body
  • Ability to join social events without worrying about how you feel
  • Thinking clearly with higher productivity
  • Better digestion
  • Lower stress levels
Ready to finally tackle your chronic symptoms and live a life of being the mother you imagined?

Click the button below to be taken to our application page.

After applying, you will automatically be directed to book a complimentary "Meet Dr. B" call to determine if we're a good fit.

See you inside!

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High Level 1:1 Support and Accountability Calls

Our 1:1 work together is really 1:2. This package includes 1 90-minute initial consultation and 5 60-minute follow-up sessions with Dr. B as well as 6 45-minute sessions with our health coach Dora so you know exactly how to implement your personalized protocols and are truly set up for success. 

Comprehensive Bloodwork and Functional Lab Tests

Labs allow us to confirm any suspected insufficiencies in the body and do follow-up testing to measure changes on a physiological level. Lab bank can be used on both conventional and functional labs.

Quantum Motherhood Course

This course is filled with life-changing information and action steps to help you sleep better, balance your hormones, nourish your body, improve digestion, and better manage stress. 

Unlimited chat support

Never feel like you have to wait for weeks or longer to get your questions answered. We're here to support you every step of the way. 

Personalized protocols

No cookie-cutter protocols here. Every plan is tailored and personalized to you and your unique needs.

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